
Friday, 21 March 2014

Happy Friday #12

So we're already on the 12th Happy Friday of the year, and everyone of them has brought will it some happy memories to share. This week is no different of course!

With the weather being so nice I have been going for lots of walks by the beach this week. It's been really nice to see everyone having so much fun enjoying the weather.

On Saturday I spent the afternoon watching the 6 nations rugby meaning by the time all THREE matches had finished it was dark. The lack of light didn't stop me getting my daily dose of fresh air though, the picture above is supposed to be the moon but sadly my phone camera isn't the best...

I know this picture makes it look like the beach is empty but I worked hard to find an empty bit to photograph as I don't want to include strangers in this blog without permission! The beach was full of people having BBQ's, children playing and dogs chasing balls.

This picture really shows all the foot prints of people walking up and down the beach. I have had some fantastic walks this week, I hope you have enjoyed your local area as much as I have this week!

Friday, 14 March 2014

Happy Friday #11


This week I have mostly been in the library. Deadlines and interview prep all got on top of me and left me in a the library very late one evening this week.

The library has been vastly improved by the addition of this kitty! I have no idea where he came from, I think he must live in the area but have a cat around is really lovely!

 I am a massive animal person so any chance have contact with one is lovely. This is my friend Pete giving her some fuss during a break from work.

 Pete is on my course and we were both working on the same assignment together and having a friend to help you and offering late night motivation is very useful and makes the experience that little bit better.

As much as I loved having this little cat about, she is rather distracting when she sits on the keyboard!

She doesn't have a collar and no one knows her name so I thought I would give her a little nickname, have you got any suggestions for me?

Friday, 7 March 2014

Happy Friday #10

Friendship, that has defiantly been the theme of my week, you may have seen THIS post at the beginning of the week where I got in touch with friends I had lost touch with. Well that has not been the only time friendship has featured in my week.

Only friends will sit on the side of the roads wearing traffic cone hats!

Tuesday was pancake day here in the UK which meant that a friend and I relished the opportunity to get flipping a large number of them.

With finding jobs being a big focus in my house at the moment, having housemates who will talk through any problems with you and help you prepare for interviews is fantastic. I think time is one of the biggest gifts someone can give to you so spending time listening  to me and helping me with my problems is something I am always very greatful for.

It's not just my own friendships that have made me smile this week either. As a final year engineering students our work load at the moment leads us to spend quite a long time in the library. So when I joined a friend in there who had been there for 12 hours already I was heartened to see his mate came down with supplies for him.

What really touched me was the next morning when he had been in there for 24 hours (he told me he would leave shortly after me at 11pm!), his mate returned before his lecture with more supplies for him. It would have been much easier to tell him its his own fault for not doing it earlier and leaving him to it but its a true friend that supports him.

I love everyone of my friends and value them all so much. They really are amazing people.