
Thursday, 16 April 2015

Tynwald Church || Isle of Man Through the Lense

Here on the Isle of Man we have our own government, which happens to be the oldest continually running Parliament in the world. This government comes complete with a tiered hill that the Parliament meet on once a year in front of the Island's population. One day I will show you this as well, but today I am going to focus on the church used in this special ceremony. 

I visited this church one evening in winter hence the darkness (and weather). 

 Half way along the walkway between the Hill itself and the church is this war memorial in the form of a celtic cross.

This photograph was taken from the base of Tynwald Hill.

This door is entered by many important guests on the 5th July each year. Inside there is a church serve which plays an important part of this Manx National Day.

 Not exactly a dry night, one of those in winter on the Isle of Man is very rare I must admit!

I will leave you with a lovely (rather creepy) stone head found by the door to the church.