
Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Write a Letter | 30 Days of Summer | Day 13

Good Morning!

Today's Challenge is:

Write a letter

If you are new to my 30 days of summer challenge click here to find out what it is!

These days we are often so reliant on modern technology we take it for granted that we can contact people. It is really easy to rely on social media to update friends and family about what we are up to that we lose that one to one personal contact.

So today why don't you try getting in touch with that friend or family member you haven't spoken to properly for a while but instead of just texting them or messaging them online why not send they a letter. Perhaps they live far away or you just don't get chance to see them much.

A letter is such a personal way of contacting people and it's even more personal if you hand write it! Maybe you have had a recent big event you could tell them about and even send a photo. It is also a great way to get in touch with someone who doesn't have internet or a mobile phone! I am going to send a letter to a few friends and family to tell them about my graduation.

 I hope you have fun with today's challenge, if you want to make sure you see tomorrows challenge be sure follow my blog and follow me on twitter too. Also make sure you record all the exciting things you do this summer, take lots of photos and keep your own blog, and please send me a link to it so I can see what you are up to, I would really really love that! 

Bye, see you tomorrow!


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